Company Information

Dipl. Ing. Klaus W. König
Sachverständigen- und Fachpressebüro
Jakob-Kessenring-Str. 38
D-88662 Überlingen / Germany

Tel. +49 7551 / 61305
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Legal Information

Responsible for Contents (§10/3 MDStV):
Klaus W. König

Tax-Identificationnumber (§27a):
DE 156 797 678


We are member in following chambers and associations:

- Deutscher Fachjournalisten-Verband (DFJV)
- Fachvereinigung Betriebs- und Regenwassernutzung e. V. (fbr) Darmstadt
- International Rainwater Catchment Systems Association (IRCSA)


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The sun has never sent us a bill – is the title of a book by Franz Alt. We can also apply this motto to clouds: they never send us any bills for the rainwater they produce. I am fascinated by water and energy, especially when construction techniques put them at the disposal of our surroundings and our architecture.


Seminars and talks

Water and energy are too precious to be used only once. In my contact with students and specialists, I promote the rules of technology for the runoff and evaporation of rainwater as well as for rainwater and greywater harvesting. It’s also all about the synergy effects of energy and architecture.



There are very different targets and rules to be observed when using and managing rainwater. This, compounded with the way functions are divided among the various trades at the building site, can sometimes lead to misunderstandings. That is when my expertise is called for, to provide information and seek reconciliation.


VOLUNTARY activities

Participation as moderator and speaker at many international conferences around the globe, my experience as an architect realising my own projects and a respectful treatment of our environment’s resources us are the things that inspire me to also work in a voluntary capacity.